Friday, 25 January 2008


What do you think life will be like in 2050? Do you think it will be completely different from today? What aspects in life do you think that will change? Fashion? Technology? Teaching and language learning? And do you think those changes will be positive for us?
Here you are a video I found, which dates back to the 1930s and where some fashion designers make predictions for the year 2000!!! Watch it and pay attention to what they thought fashion would be like today! Astonishingly, they were right in some of their predictions, but I suppose at that time those ideas looked a little bit wild and crazy, or even somewhat hair-raising for some people!
As always, try to answer these questions and correct yourself here:

What were some fashion designers asked to do?
What is the first idea that is mentioned?
What will the dress of the future consist of?
What did some of them think that would disappear?
What's an electric belt for?
What will the future bride wear?
What is an electric headlight for?
What will men's outfit include?

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