Friday 24 October 2008

MARTIX AND HALLOWEEN (pre-intermediate)

How much do you know about Halloween?

Read the questions and choose the one you think is the best answer. You'll be playing in pairs, so this is a kind of competition between you both!

Good luck ! Click here to try the quiz.

Monday 13 October 2008


If you want to find out who you bear some resemblance with, in the Simpsons family, just click in the link provided below.

Can you understand every word you find in this curious and unusual personality test? Which Simpson are you most like? Do you agree?

Click here to start doing it.


Try to do this exercise for some listening practice.
Just follow the instructions:

First, listen to the recordings one by one and match them with one of the six pictures you'll find.

Later, you can listen to the six recordings again while you read them, so that you can check pronunciation and learn new vocabulary connected to this topic.

Are you ready? Click here