Thursday, 6 December 2007

An Inconvenient Truth (ADVANCED)

Have you ever seen 'An Inconvenient Truth' by Al Gore? For those of you who don't know it, it's a green film about the major environmental catastrophes in the world. It's a little bit scary, after watching for example how the coastlines we know today will eventually disappear. This is just an example but in the film, there are so many other environmental problems that global warming results in... so at the end of the film, you get to realise we are really doing nothing to avoid it!
This is an interview with AL Gore. If you watch it, try to get the answers for the following questions:
  • What does he say about Chinese symbols?
  • What was he aiming at when doing the film?
  • Does he think global warming should be a political issue?
  • What does he think children will be shocked at in the future?
  • According to him, what can people start doing in order to avoid these environmental catastrophes?

And...what about you? How do you think we can all contribute? Do you think it's a difficult task? What do you think of the film?

1 comment:

Luz said...

Hi Marta, very good interview. When I watched the film, I realized that the problem is very close and we have to do all we can do to avoid this. Happy long holidays!