Friday, 14 December 2007

Lambert, the Sheepish Lion (INTERMEDIATE)

Approaching Xmas time... Although this is not a video about Xmas, I thought you may like it. I can give you some words which you have to look up in the dictionary (if needed) and which may help you when reconstructing the story.
These are the words: pick up, ewe, like best, lambs, drop him in the jungle, laugh, tease, tail, bleat, proud, fast asleep, awful sound, awful sight, petrified, gruesome sight, snapped inside of him.
By the way, can you understand the word 'sheepish' that you find in the heading? -ish is a suffix that we can use in English to mean 'something is similar to', so you've got words like sheepish to say Lambert was like a sheep. Likewise, you've got other words such as 'bluish', ''brownish', 'fortyish', etc
That's all folks! Have fun with Lambert!

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