That's it!... We've just finished!... Time goes by really fast, doesn't it? And Martix wants to say goodbye as well... Listen to her message.Get a Voki now!Below, you will find a picture: the 4th year group. All of us made an effort and chose English, rather than a siesta!
I am sure that everybody has sometimes heard of clown doctors, but actually... how many of you met one?
This year, there is a clown doctor with us (with the pre-intermediate group). Her name is Sabela Amado Rojo and we interviewed her so that we could learn a lot about her unusual job.
She's working for Theodora Foundation, a Swiss organisation that brings fun and laughter to children in hospital. If you want to learn more about Theodora (their objectives, history, hospitals, staff and clowns, etc.), click here.
If you want to listen to the interview, which was done at the school, click below or go to the school website here.
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Click here to revise the grammar section about enough / too much / too many.Click here to revise comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs.Click here and here to revise 'going to' and other future formsClick here if you need to revise -ing or infinitive after some verbs.Click here and here if you need to revise connectorsClick here to revise past simple pronunciationClick here to revise past simple and present perfectClick here to revise quantifiers / quantities. This exercise may be a little difficult, though.Click here to revise still / yet / alreadyClick here to revise -ed / -ing adjectivesClick here to revise 'So do I', 'So have I', etcClick here and here to revise word order